The Needle Galaxy, NGC 4565, is a beautiful edge on spiral galaxy located in the constellation Coma Berenices. It is somewhere between 30 and 50 million light years away. A great demonstration of how thin large spiral galaxies are.
Image Information:
Shot the night of 3/10/2016 from Southern Utah
Camera: Atik 414EX M @ -20C
Original Image Scale: 1.09" / Pixel
Scope: TPO 12" F4 with SkyWatcher F4CC
Orion Thin Off Axis Guider with ASI120MM as Guidecam
Mount: HDX110
LRGB (Min): 80:30:30:30 Bin 1X1, 6 Darks
Orion 2" LRGB filters
DSS and Photoshop
Seeing: ~ 4/10
Transparency: ~ 4/10
Wind: 3-4mph